Letter: He Supports David Contract for Reelection to Westfield’s Town Council

This letter to the editor first appeared on TAPinto Westfield on April 19, 2019.

Dear Editor,

I am writing this letter to enthusiastically endorse David Contract for re-election as Ward 3 Councilman. I’ve lived in Westfield for over 30 years, and I’ve never seen my councilman work as hard and care as much about our community as Councilman Contract. And I know he’ll continue doing this to move Westfield forward if he’s re-elected on Nov. 2.

I first met David when he was knocking on every door in Ward 3 while campaigning back in 2017. I remember his energy and his message — that he wanted to bring “Fresh Ideas” and “Proactive Leadership” to make Westfield a better town and to institute an ongoing dialogue with Ward 3 residents. I was impressed by how refreshing this message was since I had never really heard from my previous council representatives except during an election year. I've had the pleasure of watching David fulfill his promises over the past three plus years! I live in Ward 3, and I am the beneficiary of his relentless email and social media communications. He is the first Councilman that I know of that sends out an email update after every council meeting, most of the time the same night, even if the meeting ends late. And during the year-old COVID pandemic, he still continues to send out an email update nearly every night.

I’ve also gotten to know David inside the town government. I’m the chair of Lifelong Westfield, the senior advisory committee that David helped me create back in 2018, and for which he now serves as our Council Liaison. David has helped champion our initiatives at the town level which have made a huge difference for Westfield’s seniors.

He has brought many “fresh ideas” to Lifelong Westfield about how we can better meet the needs of our town’s senior community including conducting surveys to gauge the needs of seniors, holding annual senior service fairs (pre-COVID), holding COVID vaccine safety seminars, and putting together a community calendar of events and programs for seniors on the town website to name a few.

He also eagerly volunteers for every event we hold and isn’t afraid to roll up his sleeves to help out. In fact, David helped Lifelong Westfield volunteers clear storm debris from the homes of more than 50 seniors in March 2020.

David has impressed me so much as a councilman that I told him I’d assist his re-election campaign in any way needed. This letter is the first, but not the last action I’ll take to spread the word about how great David is for Westfield and Ward 3 and why you should re-elect him to Ward 3 Council.
