Being a Councilman is All About Delivering Excellent “Customer” Service

This candidate statement originally appeared in TAPinto Westfield and the Westfield Leader on May 13.

“Holy Crow David, the men from the DPW are here, and they are fixing the potholes on our street. David, you are a Man of Action. Couldn’t have asked for more. I truly appreciate your help. YOU GOT MY VOTE! And my husbands too! You are the best. An appreciative member of the Third Ward.”

I received this email from a Third Ward resident last month after she had contacted me two days earlier asking for potholes on her street to be fixed. I responded back the same day, said I’d visit her street to inspect the road and take pictures, and then would alert the Department of Public Works (DPW) to the problem. Upon visiting her street later that day, I did see the large potholes she was concerned about. I submitted a pothole repair request using the Westfield Connect App (FREE for all Westfield residents from the App Store or Google Play store) which immediately alerted the DPW’s Road Crew to the issue. The DPW responded the next day, the potholes were repaired, and the resident was incredibly satisfied with their quick response and more importantly, getting the problem fixed.

I’m sharing this story because it illustrates one of the primary reasons why I ran for Council four years ago and one of the most important things I have emphasized as a Councilman since – Delivering Customer Service!

As I’ve done throughout my 20+ year brand marketing career and my 3½ years as a Councilman, I do everything I can to respond to and satisfy my Customers. At work, my customers are the consumers and potential consumers of my brands. As a Councilman, my “customers” are you -- Ward 3 residents. I’ve focused on delivering excellent Customer Service since I was voted into office in three ways: being accessible to you, being responsive to your concerns and needs and keeping you informed at all times.

I think these three things (accessibility, responsiveness, and being informative) are among the most important aspects of being a Councilman. When I ran four years ago, I was surprised by how many Ward 3 residents I spoke to said they didn’t know the names of either of their Councilmen at the time, said emails to them would go unanswered and if they did hear from them, it was only during an election year.

I promised to be different and to build a two-way dialogue with Ward 3 residents. Since taking office, I’ve focused on delivering this promise every day including:

  • Responding within 24-48 hours to emails, texts, phone calls and DMs on Facebook.
  • Sending out email and social media updates after every Council Meeting to keep residents informed.
  • Since COVID started, sending out email and social media updates nearly every day so you’re kept informed about the pandemic at both a state and local level. By the way, if you’d like to receive my email updates (note: you don’t need to live in Ward 3 to join), just email me (see below) and I’ll add you to my list.

Many Ward 3 residents have told me that I’m the most responsive and informative Councilman they’ve ever had. I really appreciate hearing this because it validates my focus on what I believe is an essential aspect of being a Councilman.

I look forward to continuing to deliver this same level of “Customer Service” for Ward 3 for the next four years if you re-elect me on Nov. 2. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at [email protected], call/text 917-589-1197 or DM me @councilmancontract. Thanks!