Jim Boyes 2019 Kickoff


We're kicking things off!

Join us as we launch the candidacy of Jim Boyes for Ward 1 Councilman.


Please come meet Jim and wish him well.


Hosted by Rupa and Ravi Motwani

Address will be provided in the RSVP confirmation.



  • May 19, 2019 at 4:00pm – 6pm
  • Home of Rupa and Ravi Motwani
    Westfield, NJ 07090
    United States
    Google map and directions
  • 66 people are going
  • Maria Boyes
Ross Katz Diane Dabulas Brad Rothenberg William Griffeth Janet Lawrence Gale Jacob Louise Russell Tom Jardim Joyce Friedman Vincent Kearney Vadim Rud Ginny Malley Kelly Kessler Neil Brown Neha Mehta Marci Bandelli Kieran Brown Caroline Katz John Keville Maria Boyes Sally Cohen-Alameno Carla Jean Bonacci Dan & Reyna Ortolani Lisa Mandelblatt Trudy Silverman Kimberly Palmieri-Mouded Jennifer Gilman Gary Mandelblatt Thomas Smith Francesca Degiuli Christine Rossin Emily Root Sharon Stockwell Carolyn Klinger-Kueter Bruno Tedeschi

Who's RSVPing

Ross Katz
Diane Dabulas
Brad Rothenberg
William Griffeth
Janet Lawrence
Gale Jacob
Louise Russell
Tom Jardim
Joyce Friedman
Vincent Kearney
Vadim Rud
Ginny Malley
Kelly Kessler
Neil Brown
Neha Mehta
Marci Bandelli
Kieran Brown
Caroline Katz
John Keville
Maria Boyes
Sally Cohen-Alameno
Carla Jean Bonacci
Dan & Reyna Ortolani
Lisa Mandelblatt
Trudy Silverman
Kimberly Palmieri-Mouded
Jennifer Gilman
Gary Mandelblatt
Thomas Smith
Francesca Degiuli

Will you come?